SAP PS project planning / parts list transfer

Do you have high requirements in terms of data quality and process reliability for SAP PS project planning / BOM transfer? The Milliarum "Project Planning" solution offers you consistency checks, automatic data derivation and mass change functions.

SAP PS Project Planning / BOM Transfer is delivered with preconfigured best-practice business processes for make-to-order and project production, plant engineering and product development - so that you can get started quickly and cost-effectively.

PS Project planning with SAP

Project planning for SAP PS

Dashboards for SAP PS project definition and SAP PS PSP elements

Are you looking for a simple user interface for the project-related planning of material components (SAP transaction CN33)?

SAP PS Project Planning / BOM Transfer includes an interactive interface for displaying all relevant projects with filters and status information regarding the processing status of the BOM transfer. As only the relevant projects in the worklist are displayed, processing remains clear - and therefore time-saving.

Recognize inconsistencies through double tree display

The project structure and the project bill of materials are displayed in an overview as a double tree. This makes inconsistencies that can occur with a split display directly identifiable and therefore avoidable.

Transfer of parts list data to the project

By default, the transfer of BOM data to a project in SAP PS is only possible in dialog with many processing steps and entries. With our solution, this transfer is possible in the background with and without posting with pre-assigned fields and additional rules (parameterized call of transaction CN33 with a flexible set of rules).

This means that the transfer of parts list data remains clear, errors are avoided and time is saved during processing.

Convenient mass changes

Are your project structure and project BOMs distributed across several transactions? Changes are time-consuming because the corresponding fields cannot be edited by mass change?

Instead of changing each field individually, you can now use SAP PS "Project planning/BOM transfer" to change the project structure data and the project BOM in a clear and time-saving way in one view.

Further project scheduling functions for SAP PS

  • Automatic data derivation (e.g. WBS element for parts list item)

  • Consistency checks (e.g. missing reference location)

  • Mass change of parts list data (maintain reference point)

  • Parameter values depending on the project type of the WBS element

Do you have questions about SAP PS Project Planning?

Your contact Steffen Wester-Ebbinghaus will be happy to advise you personally.