SAP translation

Make your SAP usable without language barriers - with our automated translation of texts into almost all languages. We rely on Google translation services for this. With our SAP translation, you reduce the language barrier for international employees and save valuable time and resources through automation.

Automated SAP translation

Automated SAP translation

High quality through standardization

Gone are the days when you had to translate individual objects in SAP manually and time-consuming using complex translation tools. Our software translates texts and objects in a standardized and automated way, using Google translation services. All necessary translations are recognized, typing errors are eliminated and translation errors are minimized.

A new language is added quickly

By simplifying and automating the translation workflow, you only need minimal knowledge of the SAP translation architecture to add another language. You don't need a developer - neither for the translation itself nor for adapting texts that have already been translated.

Advantages of automated SAP translation from Milliarum

  • You save time and resources for creating new languages

  • You can adapt translations easily and quickly

  • You avoid isolated solutions and external SAP applications - these can be replaced by providing different languages in SAP

  • You reduce the language barrier for international employees

  • This creates a feel-good factor for employees who can work in their native language

"Create convenient, automated and time-saving translations for your SAP system. Get in touch with us and we will be happy to advise you personally on the possibilities of our SAP translation tool."

Do you have any questions about automated SAP translation?

Your contact Dirk Ott will be happy to advise you on the possibilities of cooperation and our SAP translation.