SAP search engine services -
the SAP search from Milliarum

Find information faster and achieve better search results - with our SAP search engine services. Our SAP solution draws on the functionalities provided by SAP TREX. With the help of a customizing interface and predefined modules, our SAP search enables flexible indexing of data and then an efficient object search.

SAP search

Simply find the right information faster

As a powerful search engine and precursor to SAP HANA, SAP TREX is available to every SAP ERP customer as a technological basis for lightning-fast searches.

With our SAP search engine services, we not only offer you integration into other Milliarum products, but also enable stand-alone use from any ABAP program.

These objects are supported by default:

  • Project system: WBS elements, network activities

  • Materials management: order items, purchase order schedule lines

  • Orders: Production orders, internal orders

In addition, our SAP search offers you the option of adding your own implementations for search engine objects. For example, you can search your individual tables and business objects with the speed you are used to from TREX.

Individual SAP search -
for individual requests

  • High-performance search for objects in your SAP systems from any process

  • Search for any previously defined information

  • Simple expansion with customized attributes and objects

  • Limiting the information to be indexed to the bare essentials

Important functions of the
SAP search engine services

  • Full-fledged TREX search with search engine speed
    Use the proven SAP standard and improve it with our software - for shorter search times and easy retrieval of the relevant information.

  • Seamless integration into existing SAP TREX architecture
    Our SAP search combines the advantages of SAP with additional functions.

  • Increased flexibility compared to standard implementations
    Do you need to customize the SAP search? Our solution can be individually tailored to your requirements.

  • Six object types available out of the box that go beyond the standard
    Save yourself the time and expense of individual customizations - because we have upgraded the standard and thus enable you to quickly customize and make the search service ready for use.

  • Future provision of new object types and features
    SAP is evolving - and so is our SAP search. Benefit from our flexibility and adaptability.

  • Indexing of any number of fields without programming effort
    Other search engine services are only available for a limited number of fields and editing is only possible with programming knowledge. Our solution can be customized and is not limited to a certain number of indexed fields.

  • Our SAP search allows you to search through:

    • Database fields (across multiple tables)
    • Long texts
    • customized database fields
    • customer-specific fields that do not exist in the database but are specially specified for the TREX index (virtual attributes)
    • Fields with multiple attribute values per data record
SAP search

We will help you with your SAP search.

Your contact Dirk Ott will be happy to advise you on the use of our SAP search engine services.